Monday, December 14, 2009


1. Slept over at jieyin's place, experince a 3-pc-fight for connections.
2. Played sdo for the whole night with jieyin's brother and sister.
3. Jieyin had gone to australia. Hope everything goes well there =)
4. Carmen had gone to italy too. Have fun =)
5. I've done with my st john reexan. The last one. =D
6. Sabs st john farewell party had end successfully i guess. Hope everyone had fun, especially seniors =)
7. Uncle Poh came Kuantan, fetching sandy back here. Now she has to rush with her tuition works and school xD
8. I've missed St john fitness run-pre run. Because of overslept =\ Sorry guys...
9. Planned to refresh all my form 4 studies this coming week.
10. I want to watch movies la .....


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