Thursday, January 5, 2012

i never thought my life would turn out to be like this is the beginning of the year....

firstly, the dinamika thingy had made me down yesterday ..
and fine, i let it go and the folio can be done with the help of the teacher this time....

and now this????
what the hell..
who God think i am ....
who 'you' think we are??
whole class of fools that you can fool around???
well i dun know bout others but i do heard you said ... that make us disappoint madam today ..
what the f**k

listen up loser ..
if i were to say sorry to 'you'
it's not because of me accusing you..
it'll be because of i feel guilty of betraying my classmate..
still, i'm telling the truth !!!
so shut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* i'll never let my tears drop because of someone like you
they'll only drop because i cant hold my feelings any longer *


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